01823 451619
Tetton Farm is a mixed farm comprising of an arable unit and a pedigree Aberdeen Angus herd. The Kingston herd of Aberdeen Angus was founded by our Grandfather in 1980 when he purchased three pedigree cows with calves at foot. We have continued the trend towards traditional size cattle as this suits our customers, our business and the farm. We put 90-95 females to bull each May, which are spring block calved. The herd grazes over 300 acres of grassland, some parkland, but the majority on our steep Quantock valleys.
The main market for our bulls is into the dairy sector which, are often used initially on their 1st calf heifers. All bull calves are registered and stay with their mothers until November when they are weaned. This is when we decide which are the best bulls to sell. The remainder are fattened for the beef market. We sell approximately 30-35 bulls per year.
All females are once again registered and weaned in November. Our heifers are not pushed with fodder we like to see them grow naturally, so they are fed mostly on grass silage during the winter months. In an ideal world we would calve, our heifers at 2 ½ years however they would then be out of sync with the cows. Therefore they are calved in at 3. At Tetton Farm we always have females for sale dependant on your needs and we are fortunate enough to have a large selection. We have set up numerous starter herds across southern England some converting to organic as our cattle will fatten on grass.