01823 451619
With 25 years of experience selling bulls from Tetton Farm we know what our customers requirements are, easy calving well tempered bulls. Males are generally sold from the age of 14 – 24 months depending on your requirements. We have a more traditional herd however we have had to increase their size to meet our customers growing stock. By increasing their size over the last 15 years, it has not been detrimental to the ease of calving nor their fleshing shape. As sellers we are conscious of the fluctuating beef and milk prices so we endeavour to reflect this in our cattle prices. We also sell our bulls with a fertility warranty, to give both customer and seller peace of mind. This would be explained further on the day of sale.
Our Aberdeen Angus herd consists of three stock bulls. We give each bull no more than 35 cows/heifers so that we have a tight calving pattern.
Here are the ‘boys’