01823 451619
Tetton Farm is a family run farm which has been tenanted since 1965. Originally the Farm comprised of 300 acres and over the years, local farms, FBTs and rented land has been taken on. Together with the purchased land and contract farming agreements the farm is around 1,100 acres.
Having a family feel is important to our business ethos. Meet the family Peter and Jane with sons David and Mark together with their supportive wives Lorraine and Chloe.
Besides the Angus herd the other main aspect of the farm is the arable unit. Like the Angus herd everything is kept as simple as possible and therefore the arable side has been split into five blocks. This works hand in hand with the five year rotation, which is, wheat, oats or peas, wheat, barley, OSR. A few systems we have in place are that soils are always sampled when the field is going to wheat, barley fields always tested for lime, and OSR fields have granular boron applied. This segregation of the farm has meant we have been able to take further land on without any more investment because we are more efficient when combining/spraying etc.
Like all farms we have had to diversify over the last decade. Due to our south facing slopes and the abundance of 1st cut grass small bale hay was the chosen market. This along with small bale straw is sold into the local equine market, which can be collected or delivered.
We also run a small boxed beef scheme with cattle that do not make the grade for breeding. The animal is slaughtered, hung for 3 – 4 weeks, butchered and vacuum packed into 8 equal boxes ready to be delivered.